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Atelier Cassis, workshop or communication agency

Atelier Cassis, workshop or communication agency ?

L’Atelier Cassis what is it ?

This is a communication workshop, in other words it’s a communication agency which was born in Burgundy. We create websites, we make visual identities, we develop communication mediums, we coordinate social networks... We work for professional and private individual to help them in the best way for their new communication projects.

Pourquoi Atelier Cassis agence de communication

Why « workshop »and not « agency » ?

We widely prefer to use the word « workshop » than « agency » for what it raise : this is a warm place not necessary materialized by four walls but the atmosphere it gives off. This is a welcoming place where we let our imagination run free to develop new projects. In a workshop we have a lot of tools and materials at our disposal to create. Each project is a new canvas on in which we let our imagination and ideas run. In this place, we can imagine, create, think, sketch, develop, correct, erase and sometimes start again to get the best result. The word « agency » has a more marketing dimension and less evocative in our view.

Communication is a broad field, but above all to communicate is to exchange, listen and understand. Today we are looking to humanize communication agency a little. We cannot provide a project which answers to the expectations of our collaborators without being interested in their activities. It’s essential for us to learn more and more in the way to create our own vision to provide coherent elements. It is by imaginating what we would have done for us, respecting expectations, that ideas emerge. This is instructive on personal and professional plan to take the time to take an interest in the activity of the project we created (websites, communication mediums…) We do not duplicate a project, each project is unique because expectations and needs are different depending on professional activities.

Where does the name « Atelier Cassis » come for ?

Atelier Cassis is the mix of our personalities, of our vision of the professional world and above all, our expectations to it which gave birth to this communication workshop. Atelier Cassis is a name full of meaning because we grew up in Burgundy and love this region. Every season has something to offer, the reflection of the sun on the vines during summer or the snow that falls on the huge landscapes during winter. We are lucky to enjoy the benefits of the city while enjoying what nature has to offer. Burgundy is inspiring, we looked for a meaningful name that would reflect both our personality and simplicity. We could have chosen other names like « Jaune Moutarde » or « Le Studio Bourguignon », we wish to use « atelier » which inspiring us the most and resumed our vision of the work atmosphere. By adding « Cassis » (blackcurrant) Burgundy took part of our identity without fall into the cliché of mustard or wine. And then, the production stages of blackcurrant remind us our own way with our communication workshop: planting, flowering, pollination, form flowers, harvesting...

Vignoble en Bourgogne
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